Thursday, September 10, 2015

Labor Day 2015

The family had a really long weekend at Mohican.  Despite the long weekend they did not do some of the things they really love to do there.  Aidan (the youngest boy) broke both is radius and ulna in his right arm so he is in a cast and between the heat and the cast Mom did not think he was ready.  But they bought him a product called "dry cast" and he spent so much time in the pool having a blast that you would hardly have known that he was injured -- perhaps he can handle hiking after all.  

Despite the lack of hiking the family had so much fun on the trip.  I think they went to the pool every day.  They spent some time at the Mohican Lodge playing ping pong, tennis and board games.  One of the favorite times at the Lodge is when they bring raptors weekly.  However, with the Ohio Department of Agriculture's ban on moving birds (to prevent Avian Flu) they could not bring birds but rather stuffed animals and well, that is just not the same...  Jane and Riley went with Dad tubing on the river a couple times.   This is where the real adventure of the weekend happened...

One tube had a hole in it from last season and Dad had tried to patch it.  It was not holding air over night so Dad drive to Walmart in an attempt to buy another one.  Wouldn't you know it?  They had no more.  So, Dad bought a REAL patch kit (rather than duck tape) and patched the tube for Riley.  Then Dad had a "super fun" idea.  What if they went to the covered bridge and started there and had a longer tubing adventure?  After all, that is where the naturalist wanted to take them kayaking last year.  Jane was intimidated by this idea.  After much convincing, around 7p, Jane, Riley and Dad decided to do it.  Mom and Aidan drove them to the bridge and set them off.  Aidan wanted to walk along the river and talk with them for a while... actually he wanted to walk the whole way but that would defeat the purpose of driving them there.  So, Mom made him come back to the truck and return to the campground with her.  When they left the 3 in the river Dad was teasing Jane and Riley about "lachrymose leeches" and he said something about the fact that he should have brought his waterproof flashlight.  But, Mom was not worried -- she has double bagged Jane's cell phone in case they needed it and they could call for help (in the land with no cell reception) if they needed it.

Dad and Mom had though the trip would take about 2 hours so Mom expected them home around 9.  But somewhere around 8p Mom and Aidan had noticed that it got dark a lot quicker than they thought it would.  (Boy was that an understatement!  For as dark as they thought it was, imagine being on the river under tree cover that blocked out the dusk that everyone else could see...)  Mom just prayed that God bring them home safely to her.

In the meantime, Aidan and Mom built a stellar campfire.  A feat that Dad and Riley had failed at the night before.  They also played board games and enjoyed some time together.  But then Mom noticed it was so dark people were walking around the campground with flashlights and trucks had headlights on.  She checked the time... 9p.  No sign of the family.  She and Aidan got in the truck and drove to the places that the family was most likely to come of the water.  Her thought was to hand them the flashlight they had neglected to take so that they could walk safely in the campground.  But she could not find them.  

At this point Mom started to panic.  She tried calling them several times -- no answer  -- great land of no cell reception strikes again. Uncertain what to do, she thought of a few things.  She had heard that the camper in the site next to them was a retired police officer (and he just happened to be my previous owner too!) she thought of going to ask him for advice.  But they were not missing persons and well she was afraid for some reason to ask him.  So she called her BFF who used to be a park ranger.  In the land of no cell reception it took 5 tries to complete the story to Diane.  Diane asked her what her gut told her.  Mom said that her gut was conflicted.  She figured they were probably fine but she was uneasy.  She was afraid if she called in help that Dad would be all macho and say "We were fine we did not need help..."  Mom has a way of over reacting and she wondered if this was one of those times.  However, Diane said it was time to talk to a ranger. She suggested Mom go to the camp store and say she wanted to talk to a ranger.  Mom told her the store was closed.  Just as they were about to discuss the next step, Jane walked crying into the campsite to Mom's relief.

So here is what happened on the river.   Shortly after Mom and Aidan left, Dad had started wondering if this was indeed a good idea.  Riley was not only upset about the leeches joking but his tube's patch failed again and was nearly empty.  Fear was upon them.  In an attempt to help them Dad moved Riley and Jane to his larger tube and he took Jane's for himself.   Darkness had indeed struck them and fear was upon all of them.  Imagine being in a dark, strange place with sounds that are not normal and no flashlight.  Imagine you are a parent trying to calm fearful children in this situation.  Imagine you have no cell reception either.  Now place yourself IN WATER and have the river suddenly getting much deeper than you thought it did... deeper than Dad is tall and you can't see where it does this.  You have lost one raft and somewhere in all the transferring of tubes your phone's bags leaked and fried the phone then it fell to the bottom of the river.  The children were terrified but so brave.

After many moments of prayer, Dad saw lights on the shore from night hikers.  He called out to them.  No response.  Jane called out to them -- Yes!  A reply!  After going back and forth a bit the hikers agreed to help them walk back to the campground using their flashlights.  Apparently they got out of the water and just pushed through brush -- could not tell what plants they were walking through.   These 4 young hikers were an answer to prayer!  Based on the calculations from the hikers, Dad and the kids were still about 1 to 1 1/2 miles from camp!!! And, it was only getting darker.  Thanks to these kind souls the family was returned to camp.

Mom was relieved to have them all back but no one could hug yet.  They did not know if they walked through poison ivy on the way to the path so they all had to take baths in Dawn dishsoap (removes oils) and be checked for ticks.  After that hugs were given all around.

They spoke to the naturalist the next day about the adventure and I want to share what they learned so you all can learn from their adventure. These are important items for hikes as well.
  1. They did the right thing by making sure someone knew where they started and what their path was so people would know where to look for them and could retrace their steps.
  2. Having a cell phone was a good idea but in water you can't rely on that.
Now things they should have changed:
  1. Flashlight... not just one but two... what if your batteries die in the first one?
  2. Before you leave for an excursion like this check the weather application on your phone if you can for what time the sun is supposed to set.
 Another thing that is important to note and that Diane would want you all to know:  Mom did not want to "bother" the rangers if Dad and the kids were fine... but this is their JOB and they would much rather find them fine then have you wait longer and have it turn out otherwise.  Never be afraid to ask the rangers for help.
So, that my dear friends is my first adventure with this new family.  I am pretty sure it will never be a dull moment.  What have I been handed into?

Let the Adventure Begin...

Wow!  I just can't believe it...  I have a new family!  While that is not really "news", it is so strange.  You see, I get new families but never on such a warm day.  It is usually cold and snowy and I am usually wrapped up in some fancy paper.  But not this time -- NO!  This time was walked over in the bright light of day, a warm day at that and set on a dirty picnic table.  I am not sure what exactly is happening here.  There was no talk of me being a "white elephant".  No sparkling tree with twinkling lights this time.  Just me and that table with these 5 new faces starting at me.  Over the years, I have been passed around 5 families in a ritual around the tree.  I was always met with laughter.  That is true of this time as well.  The big female (my new mom) was laughing at my presence on the table! But, I sense that those years with the other families are over now...

My new mom seems crazy... upon my arrival at the table she started discussing with Dad what they could do with me.  Some of her ideas made my head spin.  This lady is NUTS!  She seems to be some teacher and does something called "homeschooling" -- I am sure I don't want to know what that is!  She thought I would make a good project for "school".  She thought I could become a game of sorts -- imagine that cruelty!  She thought it could be fun to just drop me off at some unsuspecting camper's table and ask them to pass me on and send an e-mail to her.  She thought the kids could chart my travels and see if they could get me to travel all 50 states.  Fortunately for me, she thought that I might get hurt in the process or that they people selected might not participate properly.  Boy was that CLOSE!   It sounds like she wants to do something like that still but that they might choose something far less valuable for that experiment.  My life has been spared... at least I think it has...

They talked a bit about how much fun it would be for Dad to take me to work and sit me on his desk.  I am not sure what good that would do -- I can't type!  But my siblings thought this was a HILARIOUS idea!  Thankfully my mom rescued me from that fate as well.  Although the fate they chose for me does not seem like it is really any better...

You see, apparently I am the family's new camping "mascot".  And this crazy new mom is forcing me to BLOG the family's adventures on their trips.  Something about sharing the family adventures... recording our travels, blah, blah, blah.  In other words, she is adding me to her "students" and given me homework -- I guess I know what homeschooling is now!  She has assured me that I only have to do it during camping season, but I don't believe her.  I get the sense this family does things all year that are fun adventures and they will make me write about them!

I have already been several places this year with my previous family.  Places like these state parks: Findley, Punderson, Guilliford and Westbranch.  This weekend was my second trip this year to Mohican State Park (which is BEAUTIFUL I might add).  So let's start with that -- my second trip to Mohican State Park -- my first with my new family -- Labor Day weekend 2015...