Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Birthday Trip -- August 28th - 30th

Apparently my sister, Jane, has a birthday coming up next month.   I know this because my family took the family along with a friend of hers on a camping trip to East Harbor State Park.  According to Aidan, it is the first time they have ever taken a friend camping with them that has staying the camper with them.  He was pretty excited about that and it was not even his birthday trip!

Jane wanted to take a friend to Cedar Point in lieu of a party.  So, my family reserved a spot and took her and a friend up there.  They had a blast.  Jane had had such a hard time choosing just the right friend for the trip.  She did not want to pick some one with an adventure level above her own.  They might be bored with her lack of thrill seeking.  She spent a couple weeks dropping "hints" to friends about rides at Cedar Point until she was sure she picked the perfect one.  Well, it turned out that she underestimated her friend's willingness to try new things.  Mom ended up riding some rides with the friend so she could say that she rode some things.  Being from a larger family, the friend did not always have the opportunity to got to Cedar Point and she was going to make the most of it! :D

They stayed until the park was closing.  It was a great and LONG day.  No one bothered to say, "Hello" to me on the way in the camper that evening.  They all just crashed in bed and were asleep  the moment their heads hit the pillow.

The next morning we all hung around the camp ground.  The girls had fun on scooters.  The boys enjoyed tormenting the girls by following them around and playing on the playground.  Board games were played and general fun was had.  They took Jane's friend on a trip to their favorite ice cream shop in the area, Toft's. If you are in the Sandusky area you should try it out.  Just beware, a small is like 3 scoops!!

It was a short trip and there is not much else to report but it was fun.  Aidan wanted to stay longer... actually we all did!

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