Tuesday, May 16, 2017

2016 in a nutshell

So, Mom gave me a year off. She says it takes a lot of work for me to write about trips.  So, she gave me a break.  Now the problem is that she regrets her decision. She wishes she had me write about all the trips in 2016.  So guess what, now I have to summarize the year so that I can start up again in 2017.   I wonder if she realizes that it might in fact be more work to do it this way.  In any case, I am sure I will not remember everything.  But here are the highlights...

We traveled to several of our "usual" places in 2016.  Mohican State Park and East Harbor State Park were visited as usual.  No surprise that Jane, Riley and Aidan were very insistent about only rafting during DAYLIGHT hours.  They would not think of going rafting at all close to dusk.  There is still some trauma over the rafting failure of 2015.  In fact, every year the kiddos get Christmas ornaments that reflect something they want to remember for the year.  They went to a Christmas store that has ornaments you can pick and then have personalized for free.  Riley chose an ornament that had a little boy on a raft and then had them personalize it to say "2015 Worst Rafting Trip Ever"! LOL But, they do still love Mohican State Park as a destination.

In addition to the usual places, there were a couple new places added to the list.  The big trip of 2016 was to Sleeping Bear Dunes.  If you have never been there, it sounds like a bucket list item.  Mom HATES sand, but was willing to walk these beaches. I heard Mom and Dad mention several times that Lake Michigan was beautiful.  They said the water reminded them of the Caribbean.  I have not been there myself to compare so I will have to trust them on this one.  I do have to say no one thought it could look so clear and pretty. It does even seem like Lake Erie could be part of the same system of Lakes!  Of course the trip up to that part of Michigan was not all fun... towing the camper on a dirt road that was so full of potholes that Dad could not tow faster than 5 to 10 miles an hour made him a little grumpy.  Good thing they found a way home to avoid that road!

Jane liked shopping in Traverse City.  She seems to like tourist locations. Her poor brothers do not always appreciate her desire to shop. But, once the family found Cherry Republic all was good.  Cherry republic has samples!  The boys rarely turn down samples! It is amazing what they will put cherries in!  Mom found cherry pies.  While that is not a big deal, she ate one.  That IS a big deal.  Just like she does not like sand, she does not like cherries either.  But she had been told by friends that the cherries in Michigan were a must to try. She, of course, bought a slice that had cherries and other berries in it.  I think she liked it becasue she was sad when the next Cherry Republic they found did not have pies at it!

Hiking the dunes themselves is an experience like no other.  (Dune Climb Information) Mom and Dad saw others barefoot climbing the dunes so they told Jane, Riley, and Aidan that they could leave their shoes in the car and hike barefoot.  Standing at the bottom of the dune the hill looked monstrous.  Mom figured making it up that hill would be the hard part and then they would see Lake Michigan from the top and it would be a cool accomplishment.  So up tehy climbed... now I should point out that Mom and the kids are pale.. pasty even.  They wore their swim suits and started the climb but seeing it was early morning they did not wear sun screen (do you see where this is going?)  the climb up the first portion of the dune was intense and felt straight up.   Once the family reached the top of the big start they saw a smaller climb.  They took a breather and then headed up further. But, once they crested the top, Mom's excitement fell.  In the distance behind this "dune" was another. Determined to see Lake Michigan, the family trucked on. As they crested this hill they saw... well you can guess... yes ANOTHER hill.  Riley and Aidan were jumping off small ridges along the way.. Jane on the other hand was hot and had enough.  There was whining and gnashing of teeth.  At this point Mom and the kids stopped to rest under a lone tree.  The tree was small and it reminded Mom of Jonah sitting under the shade of his plant waiting for Nineveh to be blasted away.  Dad went on ahead.  Mom, being social started asking people coming back down the dunes how much further it would be.  What she learned took the wind out of her sails.  She was standing next to a marker that had the number 3 on it.  It was explained that these markers indicated the "crests" that you had gone over.  At marker 8 you would be able to SEE the lake off in the distance.  At marker, 32 you would be at the lake!!!  This was NOT what they thought it would be. It was at this point that Mom decided that they would stay in the minimal shade of the tree and wait to Dad to return to them. She then heard other children asking their children how much further.  She began to share her new found information with other mom's. She began to see other families turn around and go back.  As they waited for Dad the boys resumed their jumping into the sand below a little ridge they found.

Now, once Dad returned to them they started the return trip. You might think it was all easy going but the way the dunes work is that they have little valleys in between them.  This is how you keep thinking you are at the last dune only to find that when you crest it you are faced with another one off in the distance.  So in order to get back you had to walk these valleys and walk up the back side of the dunes you already have traversed.  At least the big hill was only down but the hike back was not going to be a simple one.  About the time they crested the last hill before the downward slope they family learned the error of their ways.  Now the sun was high in the sku and this beautiful sand was burning HOT!  Each and every stop BURNED as they walked down the dune.  Once Mom reached the bottom she told families in the parking lot to go back for shoes for at least their toddlers.  It seemed that Mom was the informant for other mom's out there. :D

Once they reached the truck Mom just wanted to sit in tehe air conidtioning and rest.  But that was not to be.  She now learned the error of her ways further.  Remember me saying they were pale and they forgot sunscreen.  Well the back on Mom's swimsuit left a lot of her back exposed.  She was beyond burnt.  Blisters were already forming.  Mom would be in pain for the next several days, coating herself in aloe frequently!

Another place I want to tell you about in Hocking Hills.  The family has decided they LOVE it there.  Old Man's Cave and the hikes around there are just beyond beautiful. Mom would like to go down and do the winter hike of Old Man's Cave.  Mom says that I can skip all the details of that trip because it is on the list for 2017. But, if you have not been there it is another bucket list item.  A great aspect of Hocking Hills is that there is so much tree cover and caves to hike in that you are protected from some of the sun and heat.  Look for the Hocking Hills update later in the year!

And finally, the family added Cedar Point to their list. While they have gone before, they had never camped AT Cedar Point before.  The campsite literally had a roller coaster behind it.  Between that and the fact that Point Fest was going on that weekend (Who would not want to hear TobyMac as you walked to and from your camper?? :) )  This one was such a hit, it too is one the list for 2017.  So, watch for a trip report on that one as well. :

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