Saturday, November 7, 2015

Smokey Mountains -- Day 3

Wow!  I am exhausted.  My family went on the “driving trail”.  Yes, we drove but Mom made us walk too.  There were some really neat things to see.  Mom loves waterfalls.  We hiked to Grotto Falls.  It is a hike she has done before and last time the family did it they were able to see the llama returning from Mt. LeConte Lodge.  We did not see them this time.  The hike is uphill the whole way to the falls (makes it great for the return trip down…) so it is pretty exhausting.  But, even Aidan was able to handle the hike there just fine.

Not more than a few steps onto the trail a hiker told us they spotted a ~600# bear in the valley off the trail.  Jane, Riley, and Aidan began to cry and did not want to go further.  Dad tried to convince them that they would be fine but given his track record with the tubing incident at Mohican the kids were not apt to believe him.  Mom said it would be just like the book “Blueberries for Sal” but this might not have been the best thing to use as an example.  If you remember Sal and the bears end up “all mixed up” on the hill in that book. Anyway, Mom and Dad did convince them to go on and they never spotted anything on the way up the hill.  All they spotted was some gorgeous views and beautiful trees.

At the falls, Mom took some shots (hoping to get some good ones for the Christmas cards again).  The kids found a big salamander in a muddy spot.  And of course, Mom took pictures of that too.  She keeps taking tons of pictures trying to not only catalog the memories but also something about finding beautiful things to enter into the fair.

We began the walk down and found people saying they spotted a bear in a tree right off the trail.  Once we got down the trail a ways and went around a sharp bend we saw a group of people looking into a tree.  Sure enough there was a bear eating up there.  Again, Mom stopped to take photos.   It was an amazing sight.  We stayed there and watched the bear eat up in the tree. Eventually the bear laid back and rested in the tree and let out a huge sigh like it was going to take a nap.  We decided to continue on the trail and head back to the truck. 

Our feet (well, my family’s feet… I don’t have any!) were happy to be resting in the truck while we continued on the trail.  The remainder of the driving trail was down hill and Dad said something about never having the brakes get so hot before…

Once off the trail Jane, Riley and Aidan wanted to walk around Gatlinburg.  There is a store there called NOA that is much like a Dick’s or Cabela’s.  They have hammocks you can try, a rope bridge to cross and of course a rock climbing wall.  Jane and Riley did the rock wall but poor Aidan with his cast could not even try.  They spend a good amount of time in the store looking at all the cool things.  Mom wants to get the fire starter that they have there that is a bar of metal that you shave and sparks fly! (It can be found on  The kids thought it was cool too!  It is surprising that they let you use it on this wood block in the store!

After NOA they went to a spice and tea store that Mom likes.  There is also a toy store that the kids like.  They had a challenge to see if you could get bent nails apart and together again.  Mom, Jane and Riley all got it – winning free gum balls.

After doing a little more window shopping, they headed back the camper.  Mom checked her fitbit and found that through all the walking they had done that day, they walked the equivalent of 63 flights of stairs.  She knew the Grotto Falls trail was up hill but man that is crazy!  It made them think of the 9/11 anniversary that just happened.  They remembered that rescuers had to go up 110 flights of stairs in a matter of minutes carrying equiptment, etc.  Their 63 fights happened over about an hour or so… those rescuers were in great shape and I bet their knees hurt after all that.  My mom said hers did!
Day 3

Today my family went for a drive out to Cades Cove.  Boy was that place beautiful.  It was a community of about 700 people (at its peak) in a gorgeous valley surrounded by tree covered mountains on all sides.  The views were spectacular.  There is an 11 mile driving trail that goes through the area.  Along the way, you can stop and see preserved homesteads, churches and the beautiful fields.  The only animal the family saw on this trip were wild turkeys. 

Mom and her camera took many pictures again.  It was so many beautiful things to see.  It seems that Aidan likes to hike.  Every time there was a trail near a homestead and the family started down it he wanted to continue on.  It was exciting for Mom to see him enjoy hiking so much!

Part way through the tour a bunch of cars were stopped and people were taking pictures out of the vehicles.  Mom got her camera ready.  There had to be something good there.  As they go close they looked and looked for this great sight.  It was a deer!!  I guess these people must live somewhere that there are not the deer populations that our family has at home.  It was a let down for Mom.

The Cades Cove tour took them all day and they did not get to see everything there was to see.  Mom kept thinking while she was there of how she would love to live there.  The streams, the beauty, the simplicity of it all… the only thing she would add is the electricity!   (Mom is watching how her head does on this trip.  Apparently, when they came last year, mom had no head pain while they were here.  Since it is a different month/season of the year she wants to see if there are the same results.  She knows they can’t move since Dad’s job will not let them live here and work there but she so badly wants to move here.  The beauty of the place and the lack of pain are so tempting to her.)

After leaving Cades Cove they still had over an hour drive to the camper.  Mom wanted to stop and see a waterfall that they had passed on their way to the cove.  But, somehow they missed it on the way back and were unable to get her picture of it. 

Once they got home, Dad made filet migion.  Aidan thought Mom said it was “minion”.  This gave the family a chuckle.  After dinner Mom and Dad sat on their chairs and looked up at the stars.  So many, many stars.  More then they ever see at home.  The sky was beautiful.  As mom looked up, she could imagine falling asleep in a hammock looking up at them.  (Of course there was the fact that a bear could climb into the hammock with her…)  Everywhere they look, they see God’s handiwork in creation and it is amazing!

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