Saturday, November 7, 2015

Smokey Mountains -- Day 5

Everyone is sleeping in these days.  The fresh air and the hiking is making for good sleep.  Dad gets up before everyone else but even he is sleeping in past his usual hour. 

After math lessons were done the plan was to head out but Dad noticed that Aidan had a HUGE bug bite reaction on his knee that made his knee so that it was swollen.  Mom had left the children’s benedryl at home so Dad went to get some more.  The next thing they had to decide is if they would try to hike with Aidan sleepy from Benadryl.  They decided on a hike that would include a 1 hour drive to allow him to nap if he wanted to.  It turns out that as sleepy as he was he did not nap.

On the way through Gatlinburg, they did stop at NOC one more time.  Mom wanted to sit in a special chair there to know whether or not she wanted to order that one for next season or not.  They also bought one of the “Light My Fire” sticks from Sweden as a cool souvenir.
The family then drove to Clingman’s Dome.  It is the highest peak east of the Mississippi.  To get to the lookout tower at the top it is only a half mile hike.  However, that half mile goes up 40 flights! (Mom’s fitbit to the rescue again!)  It is not an easy hike even though it is a paved walkway.  The air truly is thinner and it is a steep climb.  But, my family made it.  I tell ya, this family is serious about adventure!

On the way back, mom wanted to take the side trail that is part of the Appalachian Trail rather than the paved path.  Jane did not like this idea but they decided to take it anyway.  Part way down the trail they met some guys also taking the trail who thought they made a wrong turn.  Mom convinced them they were going the right way and they kept going.  Well, Mom was wrong (again!!).  They had missed the turn off for the fork that took them back to the parking lot.  They turned around and hiked back near to the top of the mountain, but not all the way to the top.  Once the correct path was located my family decided the trail was a little too steep for the shoes they wore and they went back to the paved path.  The men with them continued on the trail.  We hope they found their way to the parking lot because we never saw them again.

By the time we go back to the truck and headed down the mountain again it was dinner time.  We decided to head back to camp and watch a movie and call it a night.  Aidan took some more Benadryl for those nasty bug bites and fell asleep cuddling Mom during the movie.

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